
Here, we provide the path of least resistance (the command-line interface) to training a PRESCIENT model and running perturbational analyses. To install PRESCIENT refer to the homepage.

Create PRESCIENT torch object

First, we recommend looking at how to prepare inputs for PRESCIENT and bring your scRNA-seq to an acceptable format for PRESCIENT. For estimating growth weights, please refer to the notebooks tab.

Run the following to estimate growth rates and create a PRESCIENT training pyTorch object:
prescient process_data -d /path/to/your_data.csv -o /path/for/output/ -m /path/to/metadata.csv --tp_col "timepoint colname" --celltype_col "annotation colname" --growth_path /path/to/growth_weights.pt

Train PRESCIENT model

To train a PRESCIENT model, it is beneficial to use GPU acceleration with CUDA support. PRESCIENT models can be trained on CPUs but will take longer to train. For a demo on runining PRESCIENT with free GPU cloud resources on Google Colab, please refer to the notebooks tab.

Next, train a basic PRESCIENT model with default parameters with the following command and the data.pt file from the process_data command:
prescient train_model -i /path/to/data.pt --out_dir /experiments/ --weight_name 'kegg-growth'

For more options to control model architecture and hyperparameters, please refer to CLI documentation.