
Methods for training and interpretation of an ensemble of neural networks for multi-task functional prediction of accessibility or histone modifications from DNA sequence.

View the Project on GitHub gifford-lab/deepaccess-package



Quick Start



We provide support to train a DeepAccess model with either bed files or fasta files (and labels) as input. For training from bed files, you will also need to download a reference genome and chrom.sizes file, which are available on UCSC:


usage: deepaccess train [-h] -l LABELS [LABELS ...]
       		  -out OUT [-ref REFFASTA]
		  [-g GENOME] [-beds BEDFILES [BEDFILES ...]]
		  [-fa FASTA] [-fasta_labels FASTA_LABELS]
                  [-f FRAC_RANDOM] [-nepochs NEPOCHS]
		  [-ho HOLDOUT] [-seed SEED] [-verbose]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LABELS [LABELS ...], --labels LABELS [LABELS ...]
  -out OUT, --out OUT
  -ref REFFASTA, --refFasta REFFASTA
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        genome chrom.sizes file
  -beds BEDFILES [BEDFILES ...], --bedfiles BEDFILES [BEDFILES ...]
  -fa FASTA, --fasta FASTA
  -fasta_labels FASTA_LABELS, --fasta_labels FASTA_LABELS
  -f FRAC_RANDOM, --frac_random FRAC_RANDOM
  -nepochs NEPOCHS, --nepochs NEPOCHS
  -ho HOLDOUT, --holdout HOLDOUT
                        chromosome to holdout
  -seed SEED, --seed SEED
  -verbose, --verbose   Print training progress


Argument Description Example
-h, –help show this help message and exit NA
-l –labels list of labels for each bed file C1 C2 C3
-out –out output folder name myoutput
-ref –ref reference fasta; required with bed input mm10.fa
-g –genome genome chromosome sizes; required with bed input default/mm10.chrom.sizes
-beds –bedfiles list of bed files; one of beds or fa input required C1.bed C2.bed C3.bed
-fa –fasta fasta file; one of beds or fa input required C1C2C3.fa
-fasta_labels –fasta_labels text file containing tab delimited labels (0 or 1) for each fasta line with one column for each class C1C2C3.txt
-f –frac_random for bed file input fraction of random outgroup regions to add to training 0.1
-nepochs –nepochs number of training iterations 1
-ho –holdout chromosome name to hold out (only with bed input) chr19
-verbose –verbose print training and evaluation progress NA
-seed –seed set tensorflow seed 2021